Ashley McGovern因在树林里遗弃了一名9岁的孩子 造成伤害而被判刑 Ashley McGovern sentenced for abandoning a 9-year-old in woods, causing injuries.
Ashley McGovern, 31岁,因丢弃一名9岁男孩在没有食物、水或住所的树林里,造成他受伤,被判处3年社区报酬和300小时无酬工作。 Ashley McGovern, 31, was sentenced to three years of community payback and 300 hours of unpaid work for abandoning a 9-year-old boy in woods without food, water, or shelter, causing him injuries. 法官审议了她的心理健康问题和吸毒成瘾问题,这些问题已有所改善,因此有理由判处非监禁徒刑。 The judge considered her mental health issues and drug addiction, which have improved, justifying a non-custodial sentence. 她还承认企图歪曲司法。 She also admitted to attempting to pervert justice.