加拿大皇家骑警追捕36岁的Dylan Naytowhow,因在萨斯喀彻温开枪而遭通缉;他面临人身攻击指控。 RCMP seek Dylan Naytowhow, 36, wanted for shooting in Saskatchewan; he faces assault charges.
加拿大皇家骑警正在寻找36岁的Dylan Naytowhow, 与萨斯喀彻温省蒙特利尔湖枪击案有关, The RCMP are searching for Dylan Naytowhow, 36, wanted in connection to a shooting in Montreal Lake, Saskatchewan, where a man was seriously injured. Naytowhow面临指控,包括严重攻击和故意放枪。 Naytowhow faces charges including aggravated assault and discharging a firearm with intent. 据信他在阿尔伯特亲王城、萨斯卡通或 La Ronge 地区。 He is believed to be in the Prince Albert, Saskatoon, or La Ronge areas. 建议公众与警察或犯罪制止者联系,如果他们见到他。 The public is advised to contact police or Crime Stoppers if they see him.