29 岁的莱利·史密斯 (Riley Smith) 持有武器且危险,在 10 月 6 日撞车、展示枪支、偷窃另一辆车并逃跑后因抢劫而被通缉。 29-year-old Riley Smith, armed and dangerous, is wanted for robbery after crashing a vehicle, displaying a firearm, stealing another car, and fleeing on October 6.
加拿大新不伦瑞克省警方正在寻找 29 岁的莱利·史密斯 (Riley Smith),他因抢劫而被通缉,被认为“持有武器且危险”。 Police in New Brunswick, Canada, are searching for 29-year-old Riley Smith, who is wanted for robbery and is considered "armed and dangerous." 据称,他于2024年10月6日坠毁一辆汽车,展示火器,偷走另一辆车,逃离现场。 He allegedly crashed a vehicle, displayed a firearm, stole another car, and fled the scene on October 6, 2024. Smith被描述为5尺6寸170磅 长着褐色眼睛和棕色头发 Smith is described as 5'6", 170 pounds, with hazel eyes and brown hair. 当局建议公众不要接近他,并在1-800-222-TIPS报告911或犯罪阻截器的目击情况。 Authorities advise the public not to approach him and to report sightings to 911 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS.