41岁的Matthew Thomas Scoville, 性攻击调查的利害关系人, 被萨斯卡通警方通缉。 41-year-old Matthew Thomas Scoville, a person of interest in a sexual assault investigation, is sought by Saskatoon police.
Saskatoon警方正在寻求援助,以寻找41岁的Matthew Thomas Scoville的下落,此人是参与严重性攻击调查的人。 Saskatoon police are seeking assistance in locating 41-year-old Matthew Thomas Scoville, a person of interest in an aggravated and sexual assault investigation. 最后一次见到他穿着黑白格子夹克, 他被称为东南亚血统、秃头、大约5尺9寸、167磅。 Last seen wearing a black and white plaid jacket, he is described as Southeast Asian descent, bald, approximately 5'9" and 167 lbs. 建议公众不要接近他,但应立即与警方联系。 The public is advised not to approach him but to contact the police immediately. 该市北部和西部地区的警察人数有所增加。 Increased police presence is noted in the city's northern and western areas.