Perth man Andre Rebelo承认欺诈性地要求100万美元的人寿保险,但否认谋杀他的母亲。 Perth man Andre Rebelo admits to fraudulently claiming $1 million in life insurance but denies murdering his mother.
28 岁的珀斯男子安德烈·雷贝洛 (Andre Rebelo) 被指控谋杀母亲以收取人寿保险单,他承认伪造文件和撒谎以获得高达 100 万美元的资金。 Andre Rebelo, a 28-year-old Perth man accused of murdering his mother to collect on life insurance policies, admitted to forging documents and lying to access up to $1 million in funds. 他否认谋杀,但供认制定了保险单,并使用欺骗手段,包括假电话来索要钱款。 He denies the murder but confessed to setting up the insurance policies and using deceptive tactics, including fake calls, to claim the money. 西澳大利亚州最高法院仍在审理此案。 The case is ongoing at the WA Supreme Court.