54岁的Anthony Esposito被控在Beeverville家中发现尸体后一级谋杀罪。 54-year-old Anthony Esposito charged with first-degree murder after body found in Beaverville home.
54岁的Anthony Esposito被指控犯有一级谋杀罪,因为9月1日在伊利诺伊州Beaverville的家中,在一次福利检查中发现一名已故家庭成员。 Anthony Esposito, 54, was charged with first-degree murder after a deceased family member was found in his home in Beaverville, Illinois, during a welfare check on September 1. Iroquois县治安官办公室响应了这一呼吁并逮捕了Esposito,Esposito告诉议员受害人在场。 The Iroquois County Sheriff's Office responded to the call and arrested Esposito, who informed deputies of the victim's presence. 他目前被关押在Iroquois县监狱,等待进一步的法律诉讼程序。 He is currently in custody at the Iroquois County Jail, awaiting further legal proceedings. 受害人的身份没有披露。 The victim's identity has not been disclosed.