Natchitoches警方在55岁的Marshall Claiborne的致命枪击案中寻找嫌疑人。 Natchitoches police seek suspects in the fatal shooting of 55-year-old Marshall Claiborne.
Natchitoches警察局正在调查55岁的Marshall Claiborne的致命枪击案,在Lakeview车道发现多处枪伤。 The Natchitoches Police Department is investigating a fatal shooting of 55-year-old Marshall Claiborne, found with multiple gunshot wounds on Lakeview Drive. 嫌犯Angle Lee Reed和Alvin James Holden因二级谋杀和谋杀未遂而被通缉 Suspects Angle Lee Reed and Alvin James Holden are wanted for second-degree murder and attempted murder. 任何人如掌握情报,请与警方联系(318) 352-8101,或与警方联系(318) 357-3878。 Anyone with information is urged to contact the police at (318) 352-8101 or Detective Glass at (318) 357-3878. 匿名提示可以通过P3Tips App或打电话(318)238-2388来提交,对导致逮捕的信息可能给予3 000美元的奖励。 Anonymous tips can be submitted through the P3 Tips app or by calling (318) 238-2388, with a possible $3,000 reward for information leading to an arrest.