蒙特利尔圣米歇尔地铁站在长达一个月的波束维修关闭后重新开放。 Montreal's Saint-Michel Metro station reopens after a month-long closure for beam repairs.
位于蓝线上的蒙特利尔圣米歇尔地铁站将于星期一上午10时重新开放, Montreal's Saint-Michel Metro station on the Blue line will reopen at 10 a.m. on Monday, following over a month of closures due to deteriorating beams. STM完成了维修工作,包括支撑柱和钢筋。 The STM completed repairs including support posts and steel reinforcements. 当圣米歇尔重新开张时,其主要亭将关闭至2025年春季。 While Saint-Michel reopens, its main kiosk will stay closed until spring 2025. 临时班车服务将于重新开放之日上午11时结束。 The temporary shuttle bus service will end at 11 a.m. on reopening day.