前北朝鲜士兵声称,在俄罗斯的军队来自精英风暴军团,但可能不是顶级部队。 Former North Korean soldier claims troops in Russia are from elite Storm Corps but may not be top forces.
前北朝鲜特种部队士兵Lee Woong-gil声称,在俄罗斯看到的北朝鲜部队是该国精锐的风暴军团的一部分,但可能不是最好的特种部队。 A former North Korean special forces soldier, Lee Woong-gil, claims that North Korean troops seen in Russia are part of the country's elite Storm Corps but may not be the best special forces. 其原因是担心这些部队的质量,录像显示这些部队营养不良,体格较小。 This comes amid concerns about the quality of these troops, with videos showing them as malnourished and smaller in stature. 韩国国防部估计 风暴军有20万名成员 South Korea's defense ministry estimates the Storm Corps has 200,000 members.