在阿姆斯特丹Schiphol机场附近的停车场,约40至50辆汽车于星期一早些时候被烧毁。 A fire destroyed about 40 to 50 cars at a parking lot near Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport early Monday.
星期一清晨,阿姆斯特丹Schiphol机场附近的一个停车场发生大火,烧毁了约40至50辆汽车。 A large fire destroyed around 40 to 50 cars at a parking lot near Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport early Monday morning. 火灾于凌晨3点左右爆发, 于上午7点被控制。 The fire, which first broke out around 3 am, was brought under control by 7 am. 旅行者使用停车场作为机场停车较便宜的替代办法,机场不经营停车场。 The parking lot, used by travelers as a cheaper alternative to airport parking, is not operated by the airport. 火灾原因不明,调查正在进行。 The cause of the fire is unknown, and an investigation is underway. 机场业务未受到影响。 Airport operations were not affected.