消防员在关闭的佛罗伦萨停车甲板上故意灭火;调查正在进行。 Firefighters extinguish deliberate fire at closed Florence parking deck; investigation underway.
阿拉巴马州佛罗伦萨的消防员在星期五晚上响应了市中心旧停车场的火灾. Firefighters in Florence, Alabama, responded to a blaze at an old downtown parking deck on Friday evening. 据信是故意纵火,它吞没了地底的一块碎片堆,但没有造成人员伤亡或重大的结构性破坏。 The fire, believed to be intentionally set, engulfed a debris pile on the ground floor but caused no injuries or significant structural damage. 最近关闭的停车场甲板现已安全,正在接受调查,当局正在审查安全录像,以查明纵火犯的身份。 The parking deck, recently closed, is now secured and under investigation, with authorities reviewing security footage to identify the arsonist.