逃犯丹尼尔·圣地亚哥 (Daniel San Diego) 被指控在 2003 年轰炸加利福尼亚公司,20 年后在威尔士被捕。 Fugitive Daniel San Diego, accused of bombing California companies in 2003, arrested in Wales after 20 years.
46 岁的丹尼尔·安德烈亚斯·圣地亚哥 (Daniel Andreas San Diego) 自 2009 年以来一直被列入联邦调查局的头号通缉恐怖分子名单上的逃犯,在逃亡 20 多年后在威尔士被捕。 Daniel Andreas San Diego, 46, a fugitive on the FBI's Most Wanted Terrorists list since 2009, was arrested in Wales after more than 20 years on the run. 他被指控于 2003 年在加州的两家公司放置与动物试验有关的炸弹。 He is accused of planting bombs at two California companies in 2003 linked to animal testing. 联邦调查局和英国机构一起逮捕了他,强调他们致力于不顾时间的流逝追究逃犯的责任。 The FBI, along with UK agencies, captured him, emphasizing their commitment to holding fugitives accountable regardless of time passed. 圣地亚哥面临被引渡到美国。 San Diego faces extradition to the US.