澳大利亚男子认罪 谋杀他的未婚妻前男友 在2023年。 Australian man pleads guilty to murdering his fiancée's ex-boyfriend in 2023.
57岁的Luke Samouel Simon对2023年2月9日在澳大利亚Oberon谋杀其未来女婿38岁的Damien Conlon认罪。 Luke Samouel Simon, 57, pleaded guilty to murdering his future son-in-law, 38-year-old Damien Conlon, in Oberon, Australia, on February 9, 2023. 在判刑期间,检察官Nicholas Marney辩称,Simon打算杀害Conlon, 出示闭路电视录像,显示Simon两天前拿起手枪并发表威胁性言论。 During sentencing, prosecutor Nicholas Marney argued that Simon intended to kill Conlon, presenting CCTV footage showing Simon taking a pistol two days prior and making threatening statements. Simon以被盗财产为幌子引诱Conlon到他家,并在一次对峙中向他开枪。 Simon lured Conlon to his home under the pretense of stolen property and shot him during a confrontation. 辩方辩称,Simon的陈述含糊不清,他们有可能一起出去。 The defense argued that Simon's statements were ambiguous and that there was a possibility they could have gone out together. 法院将考虑Simon的精神健康,包括创伤后精神紧张症是否影响判刑。 The court will consider whether Simon's mental health, including PTSD, affects the sentence.