两名Coatesville居民被指控在10月10日校车枪击事件后犯有谋杀未遂罪。 Two Coatesville residents are charged with attempted murder after a school bus shooting on October 10.
来自Coatesville、Gabriel Johnson(17岁)和Jose Medina(20岁)的两人被捕并被指控犯有谋杀未遂、严重攻击罪和其他罪行,与10月10日发生的针对一辆载有儿童的校车的枪击事件相关。 Two individuals from Coatesville, Gabriel Johnson, 17, and Jose Medina, 20, have been arrested and charged with attempted murder, aggravated assault, and other offenses in connection with a shooting incident targeting a school bus carrying children on October 10. 监控录像 确定约翰逊是枪手。 Surveillance footage identified Johnson as the shooter. 调查正在进行中,当局敦促任何有情报的人提出来。 The investigation is ongoing, and authorities urge anyone with information to come forward.