2名青少年,20岁和16岁,在Santa Cruz被捕,罪名是企图杀人和向一辆汽车开枪射击,打伤两名旁观者。 Two teens, aged 20 and 16, arrested in Santa Cruz for attempted homicide and shooting at a car, injuring two bystanders.
两人,一名20岁的男子和一名16岁的男孩,在Santa Cruz被捕,罪名是11月15日一起与帮派有关的事件,企图杀人和向一辆被占领车辆开枪。 Two individuals, a 20-year-old man and a 16-year-old boy, were arrested in Santa Cruz on charges of attempted homicide and shooting at an occupied vehicle in connection with a gang-related incident on November 15. 枪击造成两名无参与的旁观者受伤,但情况稳定。 The shooting left two uninvolved bystanders injured but stable. 视频监控和数字证据协助逮捕。 Video surveillance and digital evidence aided in the arrests. 据称,嫌疑人在与敌对帮派成员进行口头争吵时开枪。 The suspects allegedly fired shots during a verbal altercation with rival gang members.