斯里兰卡申请加入金砖国家的申请仍在审议之中,尽管有拒绝的报告。 Sri Lanka's application to join BRICS is still under consideration, despite reports of rejection.
斯里兰卡外交部澄清说,该国加入金砖五国的申请没有被拒绝,尽管媒体报道表明情况并非如此。 Sri Lanka's Foreign Ministry has clarified that the country's application to join BRICS has not been rejected, despite media reports suggesting otherwise. 该申请与来自多个国家的其他国家一起仍在审议中。 The application is still under consideration along with others from multiple countries. 由金砖国家创立的新开发银行欢迎斯里兰卡打算加入。 The New Development Bank, founded by BRICS nations, has welcomed Sri Lanka's intention to join. 该部强调,拒绝申诉的说法没有事实根据。 The ministry emphasized that there is no truth to the claims of rejection.