11月9日, Austin Adrian Wall在Ore的Roseburg向Ryan Dale Burchell开枪后被捕。 On Nov. 9, Austin Adrian Wall was arrested after fatally shooting Ryan Dale Burchell in Roseburg, Ore.
11月9日,军官对俄勒冈州罗斯堡的枪声报告作出反应,他们在那里发现50岁的Ryan Dale Burchell有致命枪伤。 On November 9, officers responded to gunfire reports in Roseburg, Oregon, where they found 50-year-old Ryan Dale Burchell with fatal gunshot wounds. 该枪手被指认为25岁的Austin Adrian Wall, 被捕并被控犯有二号谋杀罪。 The shooter, identified as 25-year-old Austin Adrian Wall, was arrested and charged with Murder II. 包括罗斯堡警察局和其他机构在内的道格拉斯县主要犯罪小组正在调查这一事件。 The Douglas County Major Crimes team, including the Roseburg Police Department and other agencies, is investigating the incident.