绿党要求取消学生HECS债务, 以帮助财政拮据的毕业生。 Greens party pushes for canceling student HECS debts to aid financially strained graduates.
绿党主张取消学生HECS债务,旨在向借款人提供救济。 The Greens party is advocating for the cancellation of student HECS debts, aiming to provide relief to borrowers. 高等教育缴款计划(HESC)是澳大利亚的一个制度,学生在毕业后根据其收入支付教育费用。 HECS, or Higher Education Contribution Scheme, is an Australian system where students pay for their education after graduating, based on their income. 该提案寻求结清这些债务,有可能帮助许多经济负担沉重的前学生。 The proposal seeks to clear these debts, potentially helping many financially burdened former students.