男子在威胁家人后被捕,在追逐汽车时逃离警察,然后被困在田野中。 Man arrested after threatening family, fleeing police in car chase, then getting stuck in field.
Leroy镇的一名33岁男子在圣诞节以火器和爆炸物威胁家人后被捕。 A 33-year-old man from Leroy Township was arrested after threatening family members with firearms and explosives on Christmas. 在一次家庭骚乱之后,他在一次多管辖区追逐中逃离并试图用他的车辆殴打警官。 Following a domestic disturbance, he fled and attempted to hit police officers with his vehicle during a multi-jurisdictional chase. 当嫌犯的汽车被卡在埃米特镇的一个田地里时,他被抓获。 The suspect was captured when his car got stuck in a field in Emmett Township. 他面临多重重罪指控,尽管一辆警车被损坏,但没有报告有人受伤。 He faces multiple felony charges, and no injuries were reported, though a police vehicle was damaged.