Longmont的波士顿大道桥在14.1M重建后重新开放,这是防洪项目的一部分。 Boston Avenue bridge in Longmont reopens after $14.1M rebuild, part of flood protection project.
科罗拉多州Longmont的波士顿大道桥在重建了1 410万美元后重新开通,这是该市旨在恢复圣瓦林格林威路并保护其免受未来洪水侵袭的 " 弹性圣瓦林 " 项目的一部分。 The Boston Avenue bridge in Longmont, Colorado, has reopened after a $14.1 million reconstruction as part of the city's Resilient St. Vrain Project, designed to restore the St. Vrain Greenway and protect against future flooding. 新桥大得多,增加自行车道和人行道。 The new bridge is significantly larger, with added bike lanes and sidewalks. 下一阶段的重点是完成一条绿道地下通道。 The next phase will focus on completing a greenway underpass. 在桥附近,Lft Hand Brewing Co.欢迎在建筑对其销售产生不利影响之后重新开放。 Left Hand Brewing Co., near the bridge, welcomed the reopening after the construction negatively impacted their sales.