Odisha的在册种姓妇女提出抗议,声称在Kartik的一个寺庙里受到种姓歧视。 Scheduled Caste women in Odisha protested, claiming caste discrimination at a temple during Kartik.
Odisha Garajanga村的在册种姓妇女在Siddheswari Ramachandi寺庙外抗议,声称由于种姓歧视,她们在Kartik神圣月被剥夺了向神提供牛奶的权利。 Scheduled Caste women in Garajanga village, Odisha, protested outside the Siddheswari Ramachandi temple, alleging they were denied the right to offer milk to the deity during the holy month of Kartik due to caste discrimination. 他们声称寺庙神父和高种姓当地人禁止他们参加仪式。 They claimed temple priests and upper-caste locals barred them from participating in the ritual. 妇女向当地警察提出申诉,当地警察在监测情况的同时,努力以和平方式解决这一问题。 The women filed a complaint with local police, who are working to resolve the issue peacefully while monitoring the situation.