学生队员们在北爱尔兰的艾尔文斯敦纪念了38名加拿大二战飞行员的坟墓, Cadets honored 38 Canadian WWII airmen's graves in Irvinestown, Northern Ireland, with flags.
在北爱尔兰Fermanagh县Irvinestown的Irvinestown,82个英联邦战争墓地纪念第二次世界大战的年轻飞行员,他们主要来自澳大利亚、加拿大和新西兰。 In Irvinestown, County Fermanagh, Northern Ireland, 82 Commonwealth war graves commemorate young airmen from World War II, primarily from Australia, Canada, and New Zealand. 这个地点在北爱尔兰拥有与大西洋战役(1945年至1945年)相连的二战空军最大的一组坟墓。 This site has the largest group of WWII Air Force graves in Northern Ireland, linked to the Battle of the Atlantic (1941-1945). 为了纪念加拿大皇家空军一百周年,当地学员们在加拿大38个坟墓上竖起了加拿大国旗和罂粟十字架,强调了纪念的重要性。 To honor the Royal Canadian Air Force's centenary, local cadets placed Canadian flags and poppy crosses on the 38 Canadian graves, emphasizing the importance of remembrance.