跨性别滑雪运动员Allison Hadley担心艾伯塔省新法案可能禁止她参加女性运动。 Transgender skier Allison Hadley fears a new Alberta bill may bar her from female sports.
Allison Hadley担心,由于拟议的《体育公平与安全法》试图禁止变性运动员在妇女部门竞争,她可能被禁止参加艾伯塔省的女性业余运动。 Transgender skier Allison Hadley fears she may be barred from female amateur sports in Alberta due to the proposed Fairness and Safety in Sport Act, which seeks to ban transgender athletes from competing in women's divisions. 艾伯塔省联合保守党提出的该法案还将要求各组织报告资格申诉,并设立男女混合部门。 The bill, introduced by Alberta's United Conservative Party, would also require organizations to report eligibility complaints and create mixed-gender divisions. Hadley质疑该法案的明晰度和对变性运动员的潜在影响。 Hadley questions the bill's clarity and potential impact on transgender athletes.