23岁的州立高中生 Andrew Graney 23岁 因在Raleigh发生的 随机公路枪击事件被捕 造成1人受伤 NC State senior Andrew Graney, 23, arrested for random highway shootings in Raleigh, injuring one.
北卡罗来纳州立大学23岁高年级生Andrew Thomas Graney因在Raleigh高速公路上发生一系列随机枪击事件被捕。 Andrew Thomas Graney, a 23-year-old senior at North Carolina State University, has been arrested for a series of random shootings that occurred on highways in Raleigh. 他面临多项指控,包括一项使用危险武器攻击罪和11项向被占领车辆或住所开枪罪。 He faces charges including one count of assault with a dangerous weapon and 11 counts of discharging a firearm into occupied vehicles or dwellings. 警方报告了12起事件,造成一人受伤。 The police reported 12 incidents, resulting in one injury. 调查仍在进行中,当局敦促公众保持警惕,并对信息给予奖励。 The investigation is ongoing, with authorities urging public vigilance and offering a reward for information.