Davontay Jones,21岁,因在肯塔基大学附近开枪而被捕,面对多项指控。 Davontay Jones, 21, arrested for firing shots near University of Kentucky, facing multiple charges.
11月3日, 在肯塔基州列克星敦肯塔基大学校园附近, 21岁男子Davontay Jones因开枪而被捕。 A 21-year-old man, Davontay Jones, has been arrested for firing shots in Lexington, Kentucky, on November 3, near the University of Kentucky campus. 警方发现弹壳和被子弹损坏的车辆。 Police found shell casings and bullet-damaged vehicles. 琼斯面临五宗 犯罪误差第一学位罪 和一宗 " Wanton 濒危风险第一学位罪"罪 Jones faces five counts of Criminal Mischief 1st Degree and one count of Wanton Endangerment 1st Degree. 当局敦促任何有信息的人 打电话给列克星顿警方 或向蓝草犯罪阻截者 提供匿名情报 Authorities urge anyone with information to call Lexington Police or submit anonymous tips to Bluegrass Crime Stoppers.