肯尼亚通讯管理局下令在KCSE考试期间暂停使用电报,以防止作弊。 Kenya's Communications Authority orders Telegram suspension during KCSE exams to prevent cheating.
肯尼亚通讯管理局已指示互联网提供商在KCSE考试期间暂停电报服务, The Communications Authority of Kenya has directed internet providers to suspend Telegram during the KCSE exams due to concerns over cheating. 这一限制每天从上午7时至10时、下午1时至下午4时一直持续到2024年11月22日,受到批评,因为其缺乏透明度,特别是因为据报仅有几起欺骗事件。 This restriction, active daily from 7 a.m. to 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. until November 22, 2024, has drawn criticism for its lack of transparency, especially as only a few cheating incidents have been reported. 依靠电报的企业也受到影响,造成严重的经济损失。 Businesses relying on Telegram are also affected, resulting in significant economic losses.