不列颠哥伦比亚省性别司法团体寻求废除一项限制严重罪犯改名的法律。 Gender justice groups in British Columbia seek to repeal a law limiting name changes for serious offenders.
不列颠哥伦比亚省性别司法团体主张废除《姓名修正法》,该法限制被判犯有严重刑法罪行的人改变姓名。 Gender justice groups in British Columbia are advocating for the repeal of the Name Amendment Act, which restricts individuals convicted of serious Criminal Code offenses from changing their names. 批评者,包括支持性别平等的医疗保健和加拿大律师协会不列颠哥伦比亚分会认为,立法伤害弱势群体,如变性者和土著个人,以及基于性别的暴力幸存者,他们往往需要为安全和身份改变法定名称。 Critics, including the Gender-Affirming Healthcare and the Canadian Bar Association's BC branch, argue that the legislation harms vulnerable populations, such as transgender and Indigenous individuals, as well as survivors of gender-based violence, who often need legal name changes for safety and identity.