一项研究表明,抑制性神经元是受阿尔茨海默氏病影响的第一个脑细胞。 A study reveals that inhibitory neurons are the first brain cells impacted by Alzheimer's disease.
最近的一项研究表明,抑制性神经元是受阿尔茨海默氏病影响的第一批脑细胞。 A recent study indicates that inhibitory neurons are the first brain cells affected by Alzheimer's disease. 研究人员在情况的不同阶段对大脑样本进行分析后发现,这些神经元对于调节脑细胞之间的交流至关重要,这些神经元在疾病发展早期就下降。 Analyzing brain samples at various stages of the condition, researchers found that these neurons, essential for regulating communication between brain cells, decline early in the disease's progression. NPR的Jon's Jon Hamilton报告的这一发现可能为今后针对早期阿尔茨海默氏病患的治疗提供信息。 This discovery, reported by NPR's Jon Hamilton, may inform future treatments aimed at targeting early-stage Alzheimer's patients.