Naresh Mann(前光学家)因诈骗养恤金领取人,被禁止进入B.C.证券市场。 Naresh Mann, a former optician, is banned from B.C.’s securities market for defrauding a pensioner.
来自本拿比的前眼镜商 Naresh Mann 因在 2013 年欺诈一名养老金领取者而被不列颠哥伦比亚省证券委员会 (BCSC) 永久禁止进入不列颠哥伦比亚省的证券市场。 Naresh Mann, a former optician from Burnaby, has been permanently banned from B.C.’s securities market by the British Columbia Securities Commission (BCSC) for defrauding a pensioner in 2013. 曼尼说服受害者投资15,400美元 在一个在线赌博企业, 误用资金用于个人开支。 Mann convinced the victim to invest $15,400 in an online gambling venture, misusing the funds for personal expenses. 他于2023年被判处缓期执行判决。 He received a suspended sentence in 2023. 尽管他被视为对资本市场的一种风险,但他仍然可以在监督之下管理自己的投资。 Although deemed a risk to capital markets, he can still manage his own investments with oversight.