60岁的Dwayne Easterling 在科罗拉多斯普林斯的抢劫袭击中死亡 标志着市内第28起凶杀案 Dwayne Easterling, 60, died after a robbery assault in Colorado Springs, marking the city's 28th homicide.
60岁的男子Dwayne Easterling被确定为科罗拉多斯普林斯与抢劫有关的杀人案的受害者。 Dwayne Easterling, a 60-year-old man, was identified as the victim of a robbery-related homicide in Colorado Springs. 7月31日,他遭到殴打和抢劫,受伤导致8月14日死亡。 He was assaulted and robbed on July 31, sustaining injuries that led to his death on August 14. 这起事件标志着今年城市第28起凶杀案 This incident marks the 28th homicide in the city this year. 警方正在调查中寻求公共援助,并鼓励任何知情者与科罗拉多斯普林斯警察局或Pikes Peak犯罪制止者联系。 The police are seeking public assistance in the ongoing investigation and encourage anyone with information to contact the Colorado Springs Police Department or Pikes Peak Crime Stoppers.