科罗拉多斯普林斯的警察调查了一起刺伤事件;受害者住院,疑犯逍遥法外。 Police in Colorado Springs investigate a stabbing; victim hospitalized, suspect at large.
12月1日凌晨2点左右 科罗拉多斯普林斯市中心发生了一起刺杀事件 A stabbing occurred in downtown Colorado Springs around 2 a.m. on December 1st. 受害人伤势严重,但无生命危险,在警察抵达前被用一辆私家车送进医院。 The victim, with serious but non-life-threatening injuries, was taken to the hospital in a private vehicle before police arrived. 科罗拉多斯普林斯警察局正在调查并搜寻嫌疑人,没有关于公众威胁的报告。 The Colorado Springs Police Department is investigating and searching for the suspect, with no public threat reported.