信托基金会为青年、复原力和环境方案发起100万美元的一轮供资。 The Trusts launch $1 million funding round for youth, resilience, and environmental programs.
信托基金已启动其2025年一轮供资回合,将100万美元的集合资金分成一个75万美元的常设组织支助基金和一个250 000美元的创新基金,用于新方案。 The Trusts have launched their 2025 funding round with a $1 million pool split into a $750,000 Support Fund for established organizations and a $250,000 Innovation Fund for new programs. 重点领域包括青年发展、社区抗御能力和环境可持续性。 Focus areas include youth development, community resilience, and environmental sustainability. 申请应于2025年2月28日前提交,详情可在信托会网站上查阅。 Applications are due by February 28, 2025, and details are available on The Trusts website. 2月5日的Grant晚会将提供有关申请程序的信息和指导。 A Grant Evening on February 5 will provide information and guidance on the application process.