2024 年 9 月,美国 iPhone 的平均零售价达到创纪录的 1,018 美元。 Average retail price of iPhones in the U.S. reached a record $1,018 in September 2024.
2024 年 9 月季度,美国 iPhone 的平均零售价达到创纪录的 1,018 美元,主要是由于对具有更高存储空间的 Pro 和 Pro Max 机型的需求增加。 The average retail price of iPhones in the U.S. hit a record $1,018 in the September 2024 quarter, primarily due to increased demand for the Pro and Pro Max models with higher storage. 这些高端设备现在占 iPhone 销量的 47%,高于去年的 38%。 These premium devices now account for 47% of iPhone sales, up from 38% last year. Apple 对高端功能的关注鼓励消费者将智能手机视为有价值的长期投资,从而有可能在高端市场保持高价格。 Apple's focus on high-end features has encouraged consumers to view smartphones as valuable long-term investments, potentially maintaining high prices in the premium market.