Arizona选民通过了第313号提案,对儿童色情贩运者判处无期徒刑,不得假释。 Arizona voters passed Proposition 313, imposing life sentences without parole for child sex traffickers.
亚利桑那州选民已经批准了第313号提案,其中规定对犯有儿童性贩运罪的个人判处无期徒刑,不得假释。 Arizona voters have approved Proposition 313, which mandates life sentences without parole for individuals convicted of child sex trafficking. 该法律得到60%以上的选民的支持,取代了原先的7年最低刑期。 The law, supported by over 60% of voters, replaces the previous minimum sentence of seven years. 批评者警告说,缺乏司法自由裁量权可能导致不公正,因为这种自由裁量权不论个人情况如何,都规定了统一的刑罚,有可能影响到可能受到胁迫或虐待的人。 Critics warn that the lack of judicial discretion could lead to injustices, as it imposes uniform penalties regardless of individual circumstances, potentially affecting those who may have been coerced or abused.