第35地区法院判处Jason Anthony Padilla无期徒刑,罪名是对儿童进行性攻击和相关罪行。 35th District Court sentenced Jason Anthony Padilla to life imprisonment for sexually assaulting a child and related offenses.
第35地区法院判处Jason Anthony Padilla无期徒刑,罪名是对儿童进行性攻击、重婚、与儿童进行猥亵和拥有受管制物质。 35th District Court sentenced Jason Anthony Padilla to life imprisonment for sexually assaulting a child, bigamy, indecency with a child, and possession of a controlled substance. 虐待发生在2020年至2022年,受害者被帕迪利亚注射酒精和麻醉品。 The abuse occurred from 2020 to 2022, with the victim given alcohol and narcotics by Padilla. 该案导致多个机构合作,将施虐者绳之以法,强调儿童保护和社区支助。 The case led to multiple agencies' collaboration in bringing the abuser to justice, emphasizing child protection and support in the community.