悬疑小说的新趋势是高级侦探通过生活经验破案。 A new trend in mystery novels features senior detectives solving crimes through life experience.
悬疑小说的新趋势是高级侦探利用他们的生活经验和人脉来破案。 A new trend in mystery novels features senior detectives who use their life experience and connections to solve crimes. 这些角色通常幽默且具有亲和力,将重点从激烈的破案转移到人际互动。 These characters, often humorous and relatable, shift the focus from intense crime-solving to human interactions. 著名的系列包括亚历山大·麦考尔·史密斯 (Alexander McCall Smith) 的“The No. Notable series include Alexander McCall Smith's "The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency“、理查德·奥斯曼 (Richard Osman) 的”星期四谋杀俱乐部“以及即将上映的”霍滕斯小姐的谋杀案”。 1 Ladies Detective Agency," Richard Osman's "The Thursday Murder Club," and the upcoming "A Murder for Miss Hortense." 这种新鲜的视角吸引了广泛的读者。 This fresh perspective appeals to a wide range of readers.