保罗·戴维斯在他的《建议》中讨论了达希尔·哈米特对侦探小说作家的建议。 Paul Davis discusses Dashiell Hammett's advice for detective story writers in his "Suggestions.
记者兼犯罪小说作家保罗·戴维斯在《华盛顿时报》专栏中探讨了《马耳他之鹰》和《瘦子》作者达希尔·哈米特的作品。 Journalist and crime writer Paul Davis explores the work of Dashiell Hammett, author of "The Maltese Falcon" and "The Thin Man," in his Washington Times column. 哈米特作为平克顿侦探的背景影响了他的写作和人物。 Hammett's background as a Pinkerton detective influenced his writing and characters. 戴维斯重点介绍了哈米特对侦探小说作家的建议,以及他的新作《大陆行动大全》,该书汇集了哈米特在行动中创作的作品。 Davis highlights Hammett's advice for detective story writers and his new collection, "The Big Book of the Continental Op," which gathers Hammett's work on the Op.