伊利诺伊州为五起寒冷案件提供现金奖励 包括谋杀案和失踪儿童 Illinois offers cash rewards for tips on five cold cases, including murders and a missing child.
伊利诺伊州有五起寒冷案件 现在提供现金奖励 Five cold cases in Illinois now offer cash rewards for information leading to their resolution. 这些案件包括1993年Carmen Charneco被谋杀、2003年7岁的Dalton Mesarchik失踪、1994年房地产经纪人Sherry Lewis被谋杀、1998年Jeremy "Chappy"Chappelear死亡、1975年Carol Rofstad被袭击。 The cases include the 1993 murder of Carmen Charneco, the 2003 disappearance of 7-year-old Dalton Mesarchik, the 1994 murder of realtor Sherry Lewis, the 1998 death of Jeremy "Chappy" Chappelear, and the 1975 assault of Carol Rofstad. 伊利诺伊州巡警有一个专门处理未破罪行的网站,鼓励公众提供任何信息。 The Illinois State Patrol has a site dedicated to unsolved crimes and is encouraging the public to come forward with any information.