教皇弗朗西斯无意间通过Twitter祝福正在挣扎的新奥尔良圣徒, 称他们为“珍贵珍珠”。 Pope Francis unintentionally blessed the struggling New Orleans Saints via Twitter, calling them "precious pearls."
教皇弗朗西斯无意间通过Twitter祝福新奥尔良圣徒NFL团队, 称其为“珍贵珍珠”, Pope Francis unintentionally blessed the New Orleans Saints NFL team via Twitter, calling them "precious pearls" and linking their existence to the Gospel. 这则推文是在球队决定解雇教练Dennis Allen之后, This tweet followed the team's decision to fire head coach Dennis Allen after a seven-game losing streak. 粉丝们幽默地希望教皇的祝福 能够提升他们在即将到来的 亚特兰大猎鹰队比赛中的表现。 With a current record of 2-7, fans humorously hoped the Pope's blessing might boost their performance in the upcoming game against the Atlanta Falcons.