新奥尔良圣徒行政主管帮助天主教会管理对性虐待丑闻的反应,这与以前的说法相矛盾。 Emails show New Orleans Saints' executives helped manage the Catholic Church's response to sex abuse scandals, contradicting prior claims.
新奥尔良圣徒的行政人员深入参与管理天主教会对2018年神职人员性虐待丑闻的反应。 Emails reveal that the New Orleans Saints' executives were deeply involved in managing the Catholic Church's response to the clergy sex abuse scandal in 2018. 该小组的业主Gayle Benson及其工作人员提供了重要的公关支助,包括为记者招待会起草问题并向教会领导人介绍情况。 The team's owner, Gayle Benson, and her staff provided significant PR support, including drafting questions for press conferences and briefing church leaders. 这与小组以前声称参与最少的说法相矛盾,引发了争议,要求透明度。 This contradicts the team's previous claims of minimal involvement and has sparked controversy and calls for transparency.