宾夕法尼亚州法院命令选举法官文森特·马内塔停止未经授权的选票手计票。 A Pennsylvania court has ordered election judge Vincent Manetta to stop unauthorized ballot hand counting.
宾夕法尼亚州共同议会法院命令Fayette县选举法官Vincent Manetta在总统选举期间停止未经授权手计选票。 The Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas has ordered Vincent Manetta, an election judge in Fayette County, to cease unauthorized hand counting of ballots during the presidential election. 这是在法耶特县选举局提出请求后采取的干预措施,因为这种做法违反了州法律。 This intervention followed a request from the Fayette County Bureau of Elections, as such practices violate state law. 法院警告说,不遵守规定可能导致执法部门护送选举材料,以确保遵循适当的程序。 The court warned that failure to comply could result in law enforcement escorting election materials to ensure proper procedures are followed.