共和党候选人质疑NC最高法院的种族结果, 争议超过6万张选票。 Republican candidate challenges NC Supreme Court race results, disputes over 60,000 ballots.
共和党候选人Jefferson Griffin已要求北卡罗来纳州最高法院介入一场针对民主助理法官Allison Riggs的激烈竞选, Republican candidate Jefferson Griffin has asked North Carolina's Supreme Court to intervene in a close election race against Democratic Associate Justice Allison Riggs, who leads by 734 votes out of over 5.5 million cast. Griffin认为,由于据称存在不合规定之处,包括选民登记记录不完整和海外选民缺乏适当身份证明,超过60 000张选票不应计算在内。 Griffin argues that over 60,000 ballots should not be counted due to alleged irregularities, including incomplete voter registration records and lack of proper identification for overseas voters. 国家选举委员会驳回了他的抗议,州民主党已提出诉讼,以阻止这些选票被撤走,辩称这将违反选举法。 The State Board of Elections dismissed his protests, and the state Democratic Party has sued to prevent the removal of these ballots, arguing it would violate election laws.