星期二早上,一名行人在加利福尼亚的恩西尼塔斯被一辆火车撞死。 A pedestrian was killed by a train in Encinitas, California, on Tuesday morning.
星期二上午,在Ashbury街和北Vulcan大道交汇处,一辆火车在加利福尼亚州Encinitas致命袭击了一名行人。 A pedestrian was fatally struck by a train in Encinitas, California, on Tuesday morning at the intersection of Ashbury Street and North Vulcan Avenue. 事件发生在上午8时30分左右,受害人在现场死亡。 The incident occurred around 8:30 a.m., and the victim died at the scene. 关于火车的详情和碰撞情况仍然不清楚,圣地亚哥县警察局正在调查这一事件。 Details about the train and the circumstances of the collision remain unclear, and the San Diego County Sheriff's Department is investigating the incident. 随着调查的继续进行,预计将收到最新情况。 Updates are anticipated as the investigation continues.