纽约议会候选人Jonathan Rinaldi因在皇后区投票站受到骚扰而被捕。 New York Assembly candidate Jonathan Rinaldi was arrested for harassment at a Queens polling station.
纽约州议会候选人Jonathan Rinaldi以以前作为精子捐献者和真人电视露面而著称,在选举日因骚扰而在皇后区投票站被捕。 New York State Assembly candidate Jonathan Rinaldi, known for his previous work as a sperm donor and reality TV appearances, was arrested on Election Day at a Queens polling station for harassment. 据称,他在持有标志时对选民大喊大叫。 He allegedly yelled at voters while holding a sign. Rinaldi有有争议的行为史,包括去年与民主理事会成员的对抗,他在那里发表煽动性言论。 Rinaldi has a history of controversial behavior, including a confrontation with a Democratic Council Member last year, where he made inflammatory remarks.