David Godbout在康涅狄格州因在投票时骚扰选举工作人员和选民而被捕。 David Godbout was arrested in Connecticut for harassing election workers and voters at polls.
David Godbout于周二在康涅狄格州东莱梅因在投票地点骚扰选举工作者、选民和女童子军而被捕。 David Godbout was arrested in East Lyme, Connecticut, on Tuesday for harassing election workers, voters, and Girl Scouts at polling locations. 他拒绝出示身份证明,声称遭到非法搜查,无视多次离境请求。 He refused to show identification, claimed he was subjected to an illegal search, and ignored multiple requests to leave. Godbout,他有类似行为的历史,法院命令他不得骚扰城镇雇员,面临扰乱治安和违反释放条件的指控。 Godbout, who has a history of similar behavior and is under a court order not to harass town employees, faces charges of disorderly conduct and violation of release conditions. 他以一笔2 000美元的保证金获释。 He was released on a $2,000 bond.