在英国的桥水狂欢节期间,一场战斗造成两名头部受伤和俱乐部道歉。 A fight during the Bridgwater Carnival in the UK resulted in two head injuries and club apologies.
在宣布结果后,11月3日,在联合王国萨默塞特的Briefwater Carnival爆发战斗,导致两人头部受伤。 A fight erupted at the Bridgwater Carnival in Somerset, UK, on November 3, following the announcement of results, leading to two individuals sustaining head injuries. Gremlins嘉年华俱乐部(Gremlins Carnival Club)是披头士入境的胜利者,面临口头和身体虐待。 The Gremlins Carnival Club, winners with their Beatlemania entry, faced verbal and physical abuse. 新市场嘉年华俱乐部为一位成员的行动道歉,而Bribwater Guy Fawkes嘉年华俱乐部承认在公布结果时存在技术问题,并承诺进行审查。 The Newmarket Carnival Club apologized for the actions of one member, while the Bridgwater Guy Fawkes Carnival acknowledged technical issues with the results announcement and pledged to conduct a review.