Abingdon社区警务小组对潜在的战斗报告作出反应,在该地区巡逻,并为Abingdon博览会做准备。 Abingdon Neighbourhood Policing Team responded to potential fight reports, patrolled the area, and prepared for the Abingdon fair.
10月6日,英国阿宾登居民区警务小组收到报告说,当地公园可能发生预先策划的战斗。 On October 6, the Abingdon Neighbourhood Policing Team in the UK received reports of a potential pre-planned fight at a local park. 军官在该地区巡逻,以阻止任何事件,幸运的是,没有发生暴力事件。 Officers patrolled the area to deter any incidents, and fortunately, no violence occurred. 视察队还宣布他们准备参加阿宾登博览会。 博览会将于10月7日下午4时至10月9日举行,邀请居民在活动期间与军官接触。 The team also announced their preparations for the Abingdon fair, which will run from October 7 at 4 PM until October 9, inviting residents to engage with officers during the event.