Donald Danchella, 46岁, 被控二级谋杀罪 在他的离散的妻子死亡。 Donald Danchella, 46, is charged with second-degree murder in the death of his estranged wife.
46. Donald James Danchella 46岁的Donald James Danchella被指控犯有二级谋杀罪,因为他的离散妻子Lindsay Christine Danchella在公元前哥伦比亚蒙特罗斯死亡后被指控犯有二级谋杀罪。 Donald James Danchella, 46, has been charged with second-degree murder following the death of his estranged wife, Lindsay Christine Danchella, in Montrose, B.C. 2024年11月4日, 警方在Lindsay的前草坪上发现Lindsay, 伤势严重。 On November 4, 2024, police found Lindsay with significant injuries on her front lawn. 她被送往医院,但因伤势过重死亡。 She was taken to the hospital but succumbed to her injuries. Donald在现场被捕,正在等待庭上出庭。 Donald was arrested at the scene and is awaiting a court appearance. 调查涉及到多个执法机构。 The investigation involves multiple law enforcement agencies.