32岁的Drew Garnier据称在一个家庭纠纷中刺伤其怀孕妻子和两名子女,导致其妻子死亡,并被指控犯有二级谋杀罪和谋杀未遂罪。 32-year-old Drew Garnier allegedly stabbed his pregnant wife and two children during a domestic dispute, resulting in his wife's death and charges of second-degree murder and attempted murder.
纽约梅森维尔的32岁的Drew J. Garnier, 面临二级谋杀和谋杀未遂的指控, 据称他在2024年9月4日的家庭争端中刺伤了他的怀孕妻子, Drew J. Garnier, 32, of Masonville, NY, faces charges of second-degree murder and attempted murder after allegedly stabbing his pregnant wife, Samantha J. Garnier, 29, and their two children during a domestic dispute on September 4, 2024. 萨曼莎因伤势过重而死亡,而两个孩子预计都会活下来。 Samantha died from her injuries while both children are expected to survive. Garnier在现场被捕,在没有保释的情况下被关押在特拉华州教养所。 Garnier was arrested at the scene and is being held without bail at the Delaware County Correctional Facility. 定于9月6日举行记者招待会。 A press conference is set for September 6.