Daniel Munoz,71岁,据称因杀害失踪妻子并将其埋葬在Fallon的后院而被逮捕。 Daniel Munoz, 71, arrested for allegedly killing and burying his missing wife in their Fallon backyard.
71岁的Daniel Munoz在Fallon被捕,据称其妻子在11月8日失踪后杀死妻子,把她的尸体埋在后院。 Daniel Munoz, 71, was arrested in Fallon for allegedly killing his wife and burying her body in their backyard after she went missing on November 8. 穆诺兹被控公开谋杀 被雷诺警方和丘吉尔郡治安官办公室发现 Munoz, charged with open murder, was found by Reno police and Churchill County Sheriff's Office. 受害者的身份将在通知其家属后予以公布。 The victim's identity will be released after notifying her family. 当局说这是一个孤立的事件,没有公众威胁。 Authorities say this is an isolated incident with no public threat.